April has been a busy month here and in the cloud community at large; we have quite a bit to share with you!
Product News
As always, we are grateful for all your user feedback and product ideas, so keep them coming at info@tidalcloud.com
- We have added URLs as a first class resource in our application and as a result you can now more easily manage how your domains and URLs relate to your applications across your portfolio.
- Tidal Tools now integrates with AWS Route53 to easily scan, identify, analyze and import your application’s domains into our platform. No more exporting to zone files, which will save you some time! Read the docs here.

You can see more new improvements and fixes in our product changelog.
From The Blog
David gives an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a serverless web application using Azure and Cloudflare.
See the results for yourself, if you like your cats mixed with HTTP status codes that is.
Other Cloud News
A nice reminder from @garybernhardt that the size and cost of infrastructure is low. 1TB of RAM for a ‘latte per hour’. How big is big data really?
Excellent resource by Hashicorp on security, specifically encryption at rest and how: “The shift to cloud computing, specifically public cloud, forces us to rethink the traditional approaches to security and to adapt existing threat models in this hybrid world.”
Microsoft has launched Azure Container Instances into general availability. The first major provider to offer a serverless container service.
How Netflix does (cloud native, global) failovers in 7 minutes. Important, you don’t have to be Netflix to do this; done via software, engineered and maintained by a team of 3 people.
The cost of cloud services. A detailed analysis of how AWS S3 prices have only ever decreased.
The cloud is growing. By 2019, 60% of IT workloads will run in the cloud. How will you get there?
The inaugural Toronto Cloud Migration Clan meetup on, April 11th, was a great success. We had a great turnout, excellent demo and discussion around OpenShift. We will be hosting another meetup sometime in May so stay tuned for more information.
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon - Join leading cloud native contributors for a broad range of technical sessions on the cloud native ecosystem. Copenhagen on May 2-4. Can’t make it? They post most of the presentations online after.
That is all for April 2018. If you’ve enjoyed reading this, please consider signing up for the newsletter and following us on twitter to stay up to date.